
Therapy is an opportunity for you to be heard and to work on making positive changes in your life. At Live Now Counseling, we believe in meeting you where you are on your journey and helping to guide you to the place that you want to be.


Supervision is an important part to developing your skill set as a new clinician. Live Now Counseling offers supervision to LPC-Associates and Graduate Student Interns.


Live Practice Building is a model of supervision that allows you to start your own practice with the support of a team. You will be provided with office space and monthly business building trainings.

This is normally the section where I tell you all about me. Where I would list all of my degrees, certification and things that make me look super fancy. But I’m not going to do that. Therapy is hard. Therapy requires that you find a connection with a therapist that sees you for you and is able to guide you in a way that is fitting for you.

See, all the letters behind my name, the schools I went to and the trainings I have under my belt isn’t going to tell you how we’ll laugh together even in those tough moments. It’s not going to tell you how I’ve walked in those same ugly shoes that you find yourself standing in now. It’s not going to tell you about how I’m going to sit with you through the telling of some of your most intimate secrets and not judge who you are. It’s not going to tell you of the changes that you are going to see just by having someone outside of your friends or family to talk to.

I’m not a believer in a one size fits all model. I have a lot of book knowledge from years in school, but I also have a lot of real life experiences that tell me that all that book stuff doesn’t apply to everyone.

I went to school and I’m fully licensed, you can verify that with the state of Texas. But the experience that I like to highlight is not pieces of paper on my wall, but the 10 plus years that I have been in the trenches. Not just in the trenches with clients but being able to climb out of my own trenches of anxiety.

I don’t work with those with anxiety from a book, but from real lived experiences. When you talk about the random thoughts spinning a million miles per hour in you head, I’ve been there. When you talk about the cleaning frenzy you go on just to have some sense of control in your life, I’ve been there.

I’ve been in most places that my clients have been. You will frequently catch me nodding my head in understanding as you talk about your life and it’s like you’re playing a scene from my own.

The difference between me and you, however, is the fact that I’m on the other side of the storm and you’re still in the midst of it. But I have a little secret for you…I know how to get to the otherside of that storm.

When you work with me you get a connection to a real person that will have a conversation with you not just listen to you talk. I like to let you know how real of a person I am and normalize the things that you are going through.

I’m not going to judge you for the chapter that you are on in the book that we call your life. Are you ready?

This is normally the section where I tell you all about me. Where I would list all of my degrees,... Read More

Life is a beautiful gift to us, but just as it can be beautiful, it can also feel really overwhelming sometimes. Maybe stress has taking over your life day-to-day, and moment-to-moment. You’re feeling like you need to scroll on your phone for hours so that it’ll hopefully distract you. You’re feeling like you can’t ever rest without feeling negatively about yourself. You’re engaging in comparison to other people on social media or in real life and just aren’t feeling comfortable in your own skin. You remember when you use to be pretty calm, but now you can’t stop feeling on edge. You know something is off but can’t figure it out. You’re experiencing some big emotions that you are unsure of how to tackle so you bury them, distract yourself from them, or dump them on whoever is listening. Stress can look different for everyone, and everyone has different ways to cope with stress.

As Humans, we take on so much more than we are ever given credit for. Navigating those feelings on your own can be tough and scary and that’s why I want to help navigate these with you. I want to be a safe space for you to be able to work through your feelings free from judgement. I want you to feel heard and I want to help you get to where life feels beautiful and exciting again.

Hi, My name is Meredith, and it is so very nice to meet you. I have experienced my fair share of these feelings before and so I will bring to our sessions empathy and understanding, as well as coping skills and exercises that will help you work through these feelings so you can begin to feel like your best self. My promise to you is that I will show up for you, bring compassion and humor (sometimes tough love too), and do my best to understand. Just as the cliché goes, you do get out what you put in. I know starting therapy and this journey can be scary, but when you give it your best (even if your best is 10% that day), you will not regret it.

As a therapist intern, I am still learning but I bring a lot of drive and passion to help you to the best of my ability, as well as excitement to get to know you and the person you grow to be!

I received my B.A. in Communications from Texas A&M University, and I am in my final year of my Master’s in clinical Mental Health Counseling from Texas Tech University Health Science Center.

Techniques that are my go-to come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy for anxiety and perfectionism, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help with all of the above.

Each person’s journey is unique and if you are struggling with things like depression, anxiety, self-esteem, perfectionism, etc. I implore you to make that next step towards feeling like yourself again, so you are able to thrive. I am excited to embark on this journey together.

Life is a beautiful gift to us, but just as it can be beautiful, it can also feel really overwhel... Read More

As an Egyptian first-generation American, I understand the struggles of taboo behind the topic of mental health. I played along with this mentality for a while as it was my social norm and all I knew. I constantly compared the emotions I was dealing with as “cables that needed managing” but I just couldn’t organize them. Now I am grateful to realize and understand that this is true strength and courage and asking for a helping hand is tough.

I maybe new to the game, but that does not define my passion to help you. The experiences I have had up until now have been with friends and family and I look forward to putting the knowledge I’ve gained into this opportunity. I earned a BS in Sociology at Texas A&M and continued straight into pursuing a MA in Clinical Mental Health and Walden University.

I am still exploring methods that will work best in my kind of therapy but I do enjoy mindfulness, CBT, and Adlerian therapy. I enjoy mindfulness therapy simply to help with awareness of our surroundings and feelings as this may help with our primary concern of jumbled-up emotions from the past. CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provides the range of techniques and help necessary for depression, all the way to marital problems. Lastly, I enjoy Adlerian simply for the emphasis on connectedness and understanding our lifestyles.

If you know you want help but are at a loss for words on where to begin, begin with me! Whether you are dealing with built-up stress, anxiety, or any other struggles, we will work together. I have a passion for “untangling” our emotions and lending an ear. I am human like you and have gone through it like you.

I enjoy working with young adults struggling to feel seen and unable to tackle their big emotions.

As an Egyptian first-generation American, I understand the struggles of taboo behind the topic of... Read More

You are sitting around people you are familiar with and not so familiar with, and now you are trying to be present in the moment. “Stay focused,” you tell yourself. Then, suddenly, more people show up and begin conversing around you, and you start to feel uncomfortable, as though everyone is staring at you only. You try to join in a conversation with others, but you may have said something you thought was “stupid”; you begin to feel inadequate, so you start to sweat profusely and feel you are moving in slow motion. You tell yourself, “Don’t panic,” but the more you say it, the more you panic. Your heart starts to race, and suddenly, you look for a way to escape because the room begins to feel small… How do I know this so well? Well, for many years, I too suffered from this debilitating mental struggle called social anxiety.

Social anxiety disorder is not uncommon. Approximately 5% to 10% of people across the world have a social anxiety disorder. It is the third most common mental health condition behind substance use disorder and depression (Mayo Clinic Research, 2021). Anxiety doesn’t have an easy solution, but the good news is that it is treatable.

Hello, I’m Sophia Holloway, and I am a graduate student intern pursuing my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

My journey to understand my past disorder with social anxiety led me to my studies in Psychology, which have allowed me to understand behavior and brain function while being a part of research that identifies emotional issues such as anxiety and depression. My Master’s degree pursuit in Clinical Mental Health Counseling has led me on a fulfilling journey for having the passion for helping empower individuals to live a fulfilling life despite mental health struggles of anxiety.

I will partner with you to help you identify the source of your anxiety by understanding your triggers and working together to learn new ways to change your reaction to them. We together will understand the root of your anxiety and develop coping strategies, so you’ll feel less anxious and be able to manage anxiety episodes more effectively.

Therapy aims to help you regain control when worry threatens to overtake you. I pull from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an observational, narrative, and solution-focused approach to address negative thoughts and replace them with positive solutions.

I believe the therapeutic relationship we build should be one of authenticity and collaboration so that you, as my client, feel safe and supported. So, Let’s take this journey together while maintaining the therapeutic relationship and helping you progress toward projected results.

You are sitting around people you are familiar with and not so familiar with, and now you are try... Read More

You’re ready to move forward but don’t know how. Life has been unusually challenging for you lately as you have been trying to understand what is going on in your life. You can’t remember the last time you were truly happy. You’re not the person that you used to be, you’re just moving through life but not thriving, you’re not the exciting and socially active person you once were and you want that person back so bad. You long for the days when you felt purposeful and needed in society.

Things are getting worse, you’re struggling to get out of bed each morning, you dread going to work and haven’t spent time with family or friends in a very long time. Your life just feels disrupted ever since that day. It’s been months or even years and you feel like you should have been able to just move on, but you can’t. You’re finding yourself constantly triggered by what seems like the littlest of things. You just want to feel whole again.

Hi, I’m Alexis, and I want to assist you with feeling whole again. Having come from a family that has experienced firsthand what mental issues are, I feel a bit more connected to my clients who are battling the similar issues based on the family structure they are a part of. So often, mental health issues are are slept under the rug in or families and not taken seriously by society as a whole. I’ve dealt with that myself and want to be part of breaking generational avoidance regarding mental issue acceptance.

I want my clients to feel just as comfortable and accepting of mental deficits just as they would physical deficits. As I see it they are both deficiencies; just in different parts of the human body. My hope is that I will be able to guide you through the things that have been ignored within your family, normalize your experiences and provide you with a space to be able to start your healing journey.

I know that being in therapy takes courage, it’s a commitment to yourself, to your own personal growth so it’s important to find a therapist that you feel comfortable with.

One thing about me is that I love my clients. I love the commitment that they make to themselves, their desire to be better than they were before. I love their willingness to work and be present, to trust me with guiding them to a new space in their life.

I have always had the desire to understand human thoughts, feelings and behavior. I am driven to answer not just why people act in certain ways but also how they can improve their situations and mental well-being. I aspire to continue to develop as a therapist who is skilled in helping people overcome life challenges and live happier lives.

If you’re ready to show up for yourself, receive the support that you have struggled to have and move past the unhealthy habits that have had you just surviving and not living, click the button below to book a consultation.

You’re ready to move forward but don’t know how. Life has been unusually challenging for you late... Read More

There’s a saying that goes a little something like this: “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”. You hold the power. You have the key. You are the captain of your own destiny.

Working with me, you will not be treated as “just another client” but as a therapeutic ally. Together, we will work using several approaches that allow you to address the reasons that are causing your difficulties and build meaningful personal and social connections.

My job is not to fix, take away, or solve any problems; I am here to help you heal and facilitate your way through the many varying emotions and experiences of suffering. By working with me, you’ll be given the opportunity to be in your thoughts. You will get a chance to hear them, gather them, understand them, and find answers to them. I will be there every step of your journey to help you find your purpose and to find the road that was especially prepared for you!

There’s a saying that goes a little something like this: “You can’t go back and change the beginn... Read More

STRESS! It’s everywhere, and sometimes we don’t even know we have it. Some is good, but too much is bad. Most of all, it’s different for everyone. What keeps you up at night? Do you wonder, “why is this happening to me, where is this coming from, why can’t I just … am I a bad person?” Or, maybe you procrastinate by doing everything else to avoid doing what you should be doing. Stress can show up physically too; low energy, random pains, chronic pain, hair loss, gut issues, skin issues, weight fluctuation, food allergies, addictions, depression, anxiety…Do you feel like you’ve tried everything? Have you tried NET? You’ve made it this far and you’re doing great! The fact that you’re reading this means there’s hope and you are ready to try something new. However stress is showing up for you, we can get to the bottom of it together.

When we are born, we are a blank slate until we learn things from our environment. We form our thoughts and behavior patterns from all the experiences we have and from the people around us. There’s no wrong behavior, there is only learned behavior. That saying “it runs in the family” or “it’s genetic” can be true but it doesn’t have to keep running in the family. You have the power to change all of it for the better. With NET we can get to the source of those behaviors, bring awareness and understanding, and give ourselves the ability to choose something different.

I grew up in a dysfunctional family, learning dysfunctional models. But I saw how things could be from other couples and families. I yearned for better, but I couldn’t figure out how. Hours and Hours of counseling helped but I wanted more, I needed things to change faster so I could have more peace in my life. Everything changed when I was given NET, so I made a career change. And then the doors flew wide open when I added nutrition and relationship coaching. For lack of better words, I feel I can truly live now.

I am in my last year of Grad School at Touro University Worldwide and finishing the last two months of relationship coach training for Laura Doyle. Spiritually, I am Christian. Currently, I am certified in NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) and a certified nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition).

What is NET? In a nutshell, NET is a method of processing the mental and physical aspects of an unresolved stress pattern. Through manual muscle testing and the small act of just remembering a trauma or thinking about a distressing object, NET allows the client to find and correct the stress patterns with “pinpoint accuracy and unprecedented speed.” What does muscle testing look like? It looks like person A holding their arm out, and person B applying some pressure above person A’s wrist. While the pressure is being applied, person A need only resist person B with equal pressure. Person A’s arm will either remain strong or go weak. For more information on NET, please visit

My approach to healing is looking at a whole person, mentally, and physically. How we feel mentally and physically can have a large impact on how we handle stress. Addressing mental and physical concerns is how I treat myself and I wouldn’t suggest anything I haven’t done. Cognitively, I prefer a mix of Solution Focused Brief and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with coaching. What’s the difference between therapy and coaching? Only because these labels exist, I look at therapy as a way to process and understand, and coaching is the proactive approach to implementing life skills. Ideally, NET would play a part because I believe in it 100%, but it is not mandatory. If there is interest in the physical aspect beyond nutrition coaching, I can refer you to my personal experts. Ultimately, the choice is yours in who you work with, my main goal is helping you get to the life you want to live now, with or without me.

STRESS! It’s everywhere, and sometimes we don’t even know we have it. Some is good, but too much ... Read More

You’re dealing with a lot both personally and professionally, struggling with the unknown and trying to control things that you’re starting to see are outside of your control.

Your anxiety is increasing to the point of interrupting your daily functioning.

You just can’t seem to catch a break.

You have tried tackling it on your own, you have tried thinking of a different outcome or solution but it just isn’t enough. The anxiety just keeps getting worse the more you think about it.

You have the strength to try, you made the will to seek therapy and you have accepted that doing it by yourself probably isn’t the best option. But most importantly, by reading this, you took the first step in realizing that you are ready to start your therapeutic journey.

I believe that clients develop their patterns of thinking and behaving through their experiences, their background and through their natural instincts. To approach these patterns of thinking and behaving, I believe we have to start with the way you are processing your thoughts as different things happen to you. Changing the way you think can ultimately change your lifestyle and as we know mental health is not just a journey but a lifestyle.

I’m open, an active listener and like to challenge those I work with. I create a space where you can openly express yourself so I can learn your thinking patterns and be able to bring to light things that you may not have been able to see on your own.

My journey in becoming a therapist has been scary but empowering. Even with all the skills I’ve learned, when I get in front of you with the expectations that you have of me, I’m more nervous than the you may assume. These feelings stem from fears of saying or doing the wrong thing even though I know I’m only human and will not always say things in the way I want to deliver them. However, its empowering because even when I’m nervous I always put your needs first and adjust in a way that is beneficial for you and before you know it I’ve helped you to really transform your life.

With my own mental health I have struggled with seasonal depression and extreme highs. I know that certain times of the year tend to be a trigger for me. However during these times is when I seek support from my therapist (Yes, therapist have therapist). I also use this time to do some self-digging and self-care so that I can actively overcome those overwhelming feelings. I like to work with my clients on developing these same skills from a place of really knowing what it’s like.

But in case you want to know more about my background…

My therapeutic background stems from a mental health inpatient setting. I have worked over 3 years as psychiatric technician with adults and young adults. I am currently in the role of serving adults in the Harris County Forensics Division in assisting them with their mental health care and getting them on their feet once they depart. I am certified in suicide prevention and trauma informed care. In addition to plenty skills labs in counseling. The methods I prefer to use are Solution-Focused which focuses on getting more rapid results to individual problems and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which focuses on the break down of engrained thoughts in order to modify behaviors. These methods stick to me because they drive my practice. I believe challenging thinking can ultimately change behavior and when we finally address the behavior we can start working on a solution.

I enjoy working with those that are struggling in their personal and professional lives with anxiety or confidence issues. If you’re ready to get started click on the button below to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

You’re dealing with a lot both personally and professionally, struggling with the unknown and try... Read More

Many people get disillusioned with everyday life for various reasons. Maybe you came from a family full of dysfunction and you broke away, but now you’re struggling to not be defined by things they’ve said and done. Maybe you recently lost a loved one due to them being deceased or having to cut contact for a specific reason. Maybe you’re going through some anxiety because you’re uncertain about what the future holds for you, whether it’s career wise or not knowing what’s next after getting out of a certain situation. You might be going through some bouts of depression and you’re still functioning at this moment while going through life, but not sure how long you can keep going in this direction at this rate. Maybe life is just beating the shit out you in general and you’re just struggling to define who you are and how you fit in this world.

I know exactly how it feels when it seems that the day-to-day pressures won’t let go of your mind. I know exactly how it feels to have the pressure of striving to be the generational curse breaker in your family when most people won’t understand. I know exactly how it feels to be broken up when a loved one passes away or when you fall out with somebody you love dearly. I know exactly how it feels to be without direction and not know the left from the right. I know exactly how it feels to have sleepless nights and to be holding on to your sanity by a thread, but it’s starting to not be enough and you’re heading towards crashing out. I’ve been you, and at times I’m STILL you. Life has knocked me down too like it does us all; I’ve just put in a lot of work to overcome some of these issues and more, which is why I do the work that I do. I want to help you not just work through your mental health, but to master your perspective about it. I will help you implement strategies that you will be able to draw on long after our time together is done. I will approach our work together not by telling you what to do, but keeping you at the center of your story by putting you in the driver’s seat while I ride shotgun on your healing journey, all while helping you reframe any negativity and stay focused on available solutions. You are not your worst thoughts and feelings, and they don’t need to hold you back. These things can be used as stepping stones to become a greater, more solid version of self. Even if you’ve been through this dark place before, we can get you through it again.

Book with me today and find out why this is not the end, but the beginning.

Many people get disillusioned with everyday life for various reasons. Maybe you came from a famil... Read More

Life can be so overwhelming. You’re feeling tired, stressed, and overall defeated from the pressures of your day-to-day life. You’re trying to navigate a post-pandemic world, which has only complicated life more. You’re looking for ways to cope with the struggle of dealing with all these emotions. You’ve reached out to friends, and you’ve tried the tips for self-care and improving mental health that are constantly floating around the Internet. It feels like the world is against you, and you’re unsure of what to do next. All these emotions can make it hard to see one simple truth - you don’t have to face these struggles alone. You’re making progress already just by being here and reading this!

You are not alone. You are worthy and capable of living a fulfilling life. You are strong for seeking help.

Hi, I’m Grace Morgan, LPC-Associate, supervised by Tia Jennings, LPC-S. You’re probably wondering by now what makes me the right therapist for you. I believe that everyone has their own life story. I believe that as you write your story through your unique experiences, you develop certain patterns of thinking and behaving, whether these patterns are positive or negative. I want to learn and work through these patterns with you by providing a safe and peaceful space for you to tell me your story. I want to talk through the issues you are facing with you. I want to work with you on finding ways to cope with these issues and ways to create a fulfilling life for yourself.

As someone who has struggled with my own mental health in the past, developed skills to cope with this struggle, and sought professional help myself, I want to support others in overcoming their own obstacles. This is why I became a therapist. My journey has empowered me to be my best self, and I want to empower you in the same way. I deeply value authenticity and transparency in the therapeutic relationship. I will show up as my true (but professional) self during our time together, and I ask my clients to do the same. I want to develop a genuine connection with you, in order to utilize our time together to the fullest. I understand that showing up as your genuine self when beginning therapy can be difficult, and I will never expect perfection. I’ll show up authentically for you, and I only ask that you make an effort to do the same.

I have worked with young adults, adolescents, and children on issues such as anxiety, depression, grief and loss, life transitions, adjustment issues, and self-esteem issues. I draw techniques from a few different approaches when working with clients, including Person- Centered Therapy, Brief Solution-Focused Therapy, and Narrative Therapy. I occasionally pull techniques from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, as well. Everyone is unique, and I use these different approaches in order to form a unique treatment plan that fits your needs and to meet you where you are in your life. I am LGBTQIA+ affirming. All are welcome here.

YOU are the author of your story. YOU are in control. YOU are capable of writing a story that you are proud of. I am here to guide you through this chapter of your story, but I firmly believe you are the expert of your life. I’m glad you are here, and I admire the strength I know it took for you to come here. I look forward to meeting you!

Life can be so overwhelming. You’re feeling tired, stressed, and overall defeated from the pressu... Read More

You’re struggling to understand how you’ve gotten to this point in your life, recognizing that you need some help, but not wanting to believe that it has come to this. But you didn’t see the signs along the way that were telling you that your path was about to get rock, and that’s ok. You’re feeling lost, confused, and adrift knowing that if you had the tools to re-anchor yourself that everything would be ok.

You may have found yourself staying in bed longer and longer each morning, dreading having to step out into the world. You home is disorganized and you keep telling yourself that you’ll get to it but you just don’t have the motivation to do more than what is necessary. You’re feeling helpless and you no longer know how to bring stability back into your life.

You’ve tried to heal yourself in the past. You’ve read tried self-help books and online articles. You’ve joined online groups looking for the answer. They worked for a while, but now you sit back searching for something else that will work, but you want something that is going to work for more than just a little while. You want something that is going to make you feel like you are living your best life and it’s available.

You have a great deal of strength within you. I know you may have a hard time seeing it right now or being able to apply it but it’s there. Others are always telling you how strong you are, which can be hard to hear at times, but the truth is, you are more capable than you’re giving yourself credit for right now. You have the things within you to live the life that you desire and my job is to help you see it again.

I believe that mental health is health. Taking care of your mental health is one of the most important lifelong pursuits you will ever have. I want to help you on your journey to a healthy mind. No matter how overwhelming these struggles may seem we can work towards a better frame of mind. My counseling style is responsive. I take an eclectic, needs based approach to addressing mental health. I don’t believe there is only one way to address an issue. I am person centered. I believe you cannot communicate with a mind in chaos. I will strive to initially level out any sense of unease or generalized dissatisfaction (dysphoria) you may be experiencing and then work to build a firm foundation. During our work together you will have had an opportunity to make a toolbox of skills and strategies to not just achieve a healthy and balanced mental state but to maintain it as well.

As for me I have a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology, and a Professional Counseling certificate. I am a licensed Educator and School Counselor. I have been in public education for over 20 years and in that time, I have had the opportunity to touch many lives. I have seen many successful mental health journeys as well as those that did not have the outcome they desired. My goal is to give you your best chance at a happy life. I have worked to become a knowledgeable practitioner of mental health and I am excited about the opportunity to work with you to fulfill your goal of a healthy mental state.

I have always felt that certain careers had a calling. Mental health is my calling. I have a unique understanding and perspective about human nature. I have studied therapeutic methodologies for over thirty years and I am confident in my ability to guide you in your healing. I will listen, I will question, I will work with you as an equal partner in your health quest. I believe that you can live free of the trauma, stress and anxiety that may be plaguing your life.

Come and let’s get healthy together!

You’re struggling to understand how you’ve gotten to this point in your life, recognizing that yo... Read More

Life has given you plenty of opportunity to be strong. It is time to give yourself permission to be supported. You’ve tried everything from the self-help books, tips from Instagram posts, listening to advice from your close circle, or even attempting to avoid it all with a drink or smoke. Yet, you still can’t seem to break the cycle. You find yourself anxious, depressed, confused, and frustrated about life. You question the past and fear for the future. You wonder who you are outside of all the heaviness.

In this moment, you have given yourself the present of a new beginning that aligns with your truest and most fulfilled self. You’ve opened yourself up through self-awareness and resiliency to therapy. The therapeutic journey is tough work, but to be reading this sentence shows that you are ready to take on the challenge of healing. You are deserving of living a life on the other side of the storm. I want to support and challenge you on your journey of making it through.

Hi, I’m Shailyse, graduate student intern and your guide to change.

There are so many layers to the story of you. Every layer provides insight to the root causes of thinking and behavioral patterns that create challenges within your life. Fortunately, I am no stranger to the challenges or helping clients peel the layers back. My journey to becoming a therapist started with me doing exactly what you are in this moment- clicking through “About Me’s” in hopes of finding someone who could help me without judgment make sense of the chaos within my life. I’ve taken that personal thought with me into my work.

I use a holistic, humanistic, non-judgmental approach within the therapeutic journey by combining a variety of theories and techniques that best support your unique experience and background. Every person experiences this world differently, and our work together will be representative of that. I enjoy bringing optional methods such as astrology and human design into the therapeutic space. Although I have experience working with depression, anxiety, grief, self-esteem issues, and suicide, my specific area of interests are trauma and PTSD.

You’ve made it this far through your own resiliency. I am ready to support and journey with you as you evolve through healing.

Life has given you plenty of opportunity to be strong. It is time to give yourself permission to ... Read More

Life. Is. HARD. I personally feel like that isn’t talked about enough. I think we all get so wrapped up in comparing what we are going through to others that we minimize our own hardships and convince ourselves that we should not be struggling, or we feel guilty for struggling. I know it can be a scary or nerve-wracking experience choosing a therapist because you start to think, “What if they judge me?”, “What if they think I’m being ridiculous?”, “What if I’m beyond help?” etc. etc. I think all of those questions are part of the experience when choosing someone that you are going to potentially open up and be vulnerable with. I want my clients to have a safe space to vent and just lay whatever they are going through out on the table. I want to create that space for you; you don’t have to go through this alone.

Give yourself permission to vent and accept support on what you are going through! You need someone who will listen and not minimize your situation or your feelings.

Asking for help does not mean that you are not capable of handling things on your own. But, sometimes it’s just easier to have a sounding board and someone to offer support. That is where I come in (hopefully).

My name is Rubina Pina and yes, my last name actually does mean Pineapple!

I am an LPC-Associate, supervised by Tia Jennings, LPC-S. I have spent the last five years working with those struggling with anxiety, depression, anger or impulse control, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, and legal issues. Something I have learned is that it does not matter your background, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, education, or gender; mental health struggles do not discriminate and nobody is immune. That is why I think it is so important to learn how to manage any symptoms or uncomfortable feelings you may be having and implement coping strategies to continue to live a healthier lifestyle.

I want to create that nonjudgmental space for you.

I first knew I wanted to be a counselor when I was 17 years old and was personally impacted by a loss due to suicide; although, at that time, I wanted to be a grief counselor. This had a great impact on my life and I wished more than anything that I had the experience and tools to recognize the signs. That is when I decided I wanted to go into the counseling field and help others however I could. I want to be the person that can make a difference in someone’s life, to offer hope and support.

We are a product of not only what we have learned from the people and experiences around us, but also how we interpret those encounters. Changing behavior means changing thinking patterns, which is the root of many of our issues. Something I learned from my own personal experiences with this is that…


It is so much easier to stay in the bubble of familiarity that we know but I want to (metaphorically, of course) hold your hand and support you through those feelings. I am sure that you are overwhelmed by the countless options of counselors you can choose; my advice is to choose someone that you feel the most comfortable and like you could build a therapeutic relationship with.

That is why I encourage you to use the (free) 15-minute consultation because making sure you find the counselor that is the best fit for YOU is one of the most important parts of the counseling process.

Life. Is. HARD. I personally feel like that isn’t talked about enough. I think we all get so wrap... Read More

Life’s been getting harder for you lately, the path that you thought was just right for you just isn’t giving you the same excitement anymore. But you feel like you can’t get out, it’s just too much to start over again. You’re struggling with making decisions about the next stage of your life, and the burdens of life are starting to feel heavy. You have no idea what to do.

Regretting each day and feeling hopeless, you might struggle to find a way out. Your life feels devoid of passion, enthusiasm, and purpose, leaving you unhappy and unfulfilled.

Unresolved trauma, gripping grief, growing anxiety, and toxic relationships may seem like issues you don’t have time to address, but they persistently haunt you, sometimes making it hard to breathe. You crave relief and know you need help. Perhaps your needs are spiritual. You might have been hurt by the church or a spiritual leader and are not sure if you can recover and are confused about how to move forward. Your spiritual life is important to you and you need support to work through the betrayal and the hurt with someone who understands. You do not have to walk away from your faith; I have been there too and am committed to your healing and find a way to rediscover a spiritual practice that resonates with you.

All of this can feel overwhelming. Coping with the growing daily demands can seem impossible. If you feel stuck, long for change but believe it’s too late or you’re not sure where to start, you’re not alone.

I understand exactly how you feel because I’ve been on a similar journey. I know there’s a way out, and I’m here to help you find a happy, fulfilling life from the inside out. Whether you need an exit strategy from a toxic relationship or a dead-end career, recovery from anxiety, grief, trauma, or spiritual betrayal - healing is possible. Whatever you’re facing, know that you’re not alone, and there is hope for a brighter future.

Hello, I’m Carla Haskins, and my mission is to support and guide you through life’s challenges, helping you discover your true and highest self. With over 20 years of experience as an HR professional, senior level leader, and as a former pastor, I have a deep understanding of human complexities. My person-centered approach is rooted in empathy, compassion, and a belief in your inherent strength and resilience. I’m here to help you uncover the root of your struggles and support you through the healing process.

Together, we’ll explore the reasons behind your challenges and work towards growth and healing. I’ll provide research-based tools, skills development, and unwavering support as you embark on your journey of self-discovery and transformation. You have the desire and the ability to face your challenges head-on, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.

You deserve a fulfilling life aligned with your true self. If you’re ready to take the next step towards a healthier, happier you, I’m here to help with compassion, empathy, and acceptance. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards being well.

Life’s been getting harder for you lately, the path that you thought was just right for you just ... Read More

You’re overwhelmed by the constant changes and challenges that life throws at you, making it difficult to maintain relationships or even get out of bed in the morning. You’re struggling with depression, low self-esteem, or feelings of isolation and disconnection from your loved ones. You find it hard to open up to your inner circle about your struggles because you do not want to worry them, or have them not really understand you. You don’t feel supported and recognize a need to better cope with your challenges.

But I want you to know that there is hope, and together we can work towards finding peace and happiness in your life while maintaining relationships and growing individually or as a couple. My approach to therapy involves customizing strategies based on your specific needs. I incorporate various therapy approaches and methods such as solution-focused brief therapy, person-centered, talk therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). I also use evidence-based techniques to help you gain understanding, perspective, and peace. My current clientele includes individuals, couples, and LGBTQ+. Through various therapeutic approaches and evidence-based techniques, I can help you gain an understanding of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and provide you with the tools necessary to overcome obstacles and find relief. My goal is to help you move forward with your life, be free from the weight of your struggles, and find purpose and fulfillment.

For more than ten years, I have worked with children with behavioral issues and understand the challenges of life transitions. I specialize in helping those who have lost a loved one, a relationship, or their identity through life transitions such as motherhood, marriage, divorce, etc. I understand the challenges of navigating life changes, as I am a proud mother of two beautiful girls and have had to adjust to my new life as an empty nester. I overcame this by acknowledging and honoring my feelings while seeking resources, such as the ones I employ for my clients, to better myself. I am proof that therapy works when you do the work, and I can assure you that I will hold your hand through the process.

I want my clients to know that their life has meaning and purpose. By creating a non-judgmental and safe space, I can help you get unstuck and find purpose in your life. Together, we will explore your story and become more aware of your feelings and emotions, as I believe when we make space to process our emotions and life experiences, we are open to healing.

Remember, taking care of yourself is essential, and through therapy, we can find the light at the end of your struggle. You won’t feel like your life is over; instead, this could be just the beginning of your life. As a therapist who values supporting you through your challenges, please do not hesitate to reach out.

You’re overwhelmed by the constant changes and challenges that life throws at you, making it diff... Read More

You’re exhausted and worn-out from the daily tasks of life and the emotions that feel all too heavy right now. You find yourself losing track of time, endlessly scrolling through the internet just to take your mind off of things. You crave connection with those around you, but the heaviness of your emotions make you feel like you’re a burden to those closest to you. You are usually the one to put others first and care for those around you, but you worry if people really see you and know you for you.

You crave authentic connection and a space to be heard, seen, and accepted for who you truly are, and not what others expect you to be. You want to belong, to vulnerably share life with friends and family, to love and be loved without fear.

You’ve tried figuring out things on your own and even dab in the latest self-help trend, but you have found that it’s not working as you had imagined. You are used to being self-sufficient and sorting out things on your own, but you have come to realize that you need help.

It takes courage to ask for help, we are not meant to do life alone but are made for connection. You see this, you know this, you seek this.

Hi! I’m Elizabeth, LPC-Associate supervised by Tia Jennings, I hope to partner with you in reclaiming your story, so you can experience more wholeness and peace in your life.

Most people when they think of therapists, think they have it all together, but I want you to know that I am a human first. Growing up in an immigrant household, I was faced with the challenges of balancing my family’s expectations with the cultures I was living within. There was this invisible weight that I carried coupled with being an empath caused me to struggle with anxiety and depression at a young age. At the time I was disconnected from myself and was not yet aware of how my mental state was affecting me. As I entered young adulthood, I started going to therapy and started experiencing wholeness and peace. Being on the other side now, I want others to be able to experience the wholeness and peace that therapy offered me.

I understand that hesitancy can accompany the idea of therapy, so I prioritize creating a safe and trusting space that allows you to come out of hiding and show up as yourself, as you feel seen and heard to process through your thoughts and emotions. Sessions with me are filled with compassion, warmth, non-judgment, and authenticity.

During our time together we will explore your story and the deeper meanings and root causes of your pain, difficult thoughts, and behavior patterns. Through a lens of curiosity, you will gain greater insight and new tools to bring about the change that you have been desiring. I know the thought of change can feel overwhelming, but you’ll come out on the other side feeling empowered that you are enough and having strength to live life more authentically.

Together, we will get you to a place where you are able to show up as yourself in relationships, meaningfully connect with those around you, to enjoy the life that you are currently living.

I’m passionate about working with clients that express signs of worry and anxiety, negative self-talk/image, poor self-esteem and confidence, faith concerns, childhood wounds, life transitions, burnout/fatigue, relational issues, trauma, grief/loss, loneliness, and cultural and ethnic issues.

I have a passion with working with young adults, professionals, and women through shame and self-worth, identity, attachment, childhood experiences, and faith-based counseling.

You’re exhausted and worn-out from the daily tasks of life and the emotions that feel all too hea... Read More

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